Attributes Table

When clicking on the attribute_table_button button of the Table of Contents (TOC), the Attributes Table panel opens at the bottom of the Map page.


The Attributes Table Panel

In that panel you can navigate through the features of the dataset, zoom to their geometries by clicking on the zoom_to_feature_icon icon and explore their attributes.

The Attribute Tables has a row for each feature belonging to the dataset and a column for each attribute that describes the feature.
Each column has a Filter input field through which you can filter the features basing on some value or expression (depending on the data type of the field).

Filtering Features by Attribute

The Attributes Table panel contains a Toolbar which makes you available some useful functionalities.


The Attributes Table Toolbar

Those functionalities are:

  • Edit Mode
    By clicking on edit_mode_button you can start an editing session. It permits you to add new features, to delete or modify the existing ones, to edit geometries. See the Editing the Dataset Data section for further information.
  • Advanced Search
    Click on advanced_search_button, a new panel opens. That panel allows you to filter features in many different ways. This functionality will be explained in depth in the Advanced Search section.
  • Zoom to page extent
    Click on zoom_to_page_extent_button to zoom to the page extent.
  • Export Data
    Click on export_data_button to open the export/download data form.
  • Hide/show columns
    When clicking on hide_show_columns_button another panel opens inside the Attributes Table. Through that panel you can choose what columns you want to see.
  • Create a chart
    Through the create_charts_button button you can open the Chart Widgets panel where many functionalities to describe and visualize the dataset data are available (see Creating Widgets).
  • Sync map with filter
    Click on the sync_map_with_filter_button icon to synchronize the map with the filter.