Read-Only and Maintenance Modes


GeoNode gives an option to operate in different modes, according to the needs and demands of the certain application system.

Changing the currently used mode can be done in the admin panel by the user with super-user privileges, by modifying Configuration singleton model in the BASE application:


Configuration change in the admin panel

Read-Only Mode

Activating the Read-Only Mode (by setting Read only True in the Configuration) activates a middleware rejecting all modifying requests (POST/PUT/DELETE), with an exception for:

  • POST to login view

  • POST to logout view

  • POST to admin login view

  • POST to admin logout view

  • all requests to OWS endpoint

  • all requests ordered by a super-user

Additionally, all UI elements allowing modifying GeoNode’s content are hidden, so e.g. the button «Upload Layer» is not rendered in the templates.

In case a user tries to perform a forbidden request, they will be presented with a static HTML page informing them, the GeoNode is in the Read-Only mode and this action is currently forbidden.

Maintenance Mode

Activating the Maintenance Mode (by setting Maintenance True in the Configuration) activates the highest level middleware (the one executed as the first) rejecting all requests to the GeoNode instance, with an exception for:

  • POST to admin login view

  • POST to admin logout view

  • all requests ordered by a super-user

In case a user tries to perform any request against the GeoNode (including GET requests), they will be presented with a static HTML page informing them, the maintenance actions are taken on the GeoNode instance, and asking them to try again soon.

The maintenance mode was implemented with a thought of the backup and restore procedures without a necessity to put down the instance, but at the same time with a restriction of any outer interference.