Changing the Document Permissions

GeoNode encourages to publicly, share and make available for download information uploaded on the platform. By default, anyone can see and download a document. However, the document responsible can choose to limit access to the document to some contributors and/or groups.

Through the button shown in the picture below it is possible to manage the document permissions.


The button to change permissions

The Change Document Permissions button on the right side of the document page allows to set up who can:

  • View the document;

  • Download it;

  • Edit its metadata;

  • Manage it (update, delete, change permissions, publish/unpublish).

See an example in the picture below.


Changing the Document permissions

Usually that editing of metadata and the management of a document are in charge of the responsible of the document, i.e. the contributor who uploaded it and who has those permissions by default.

Once the permissions are set, click Apply changes to save them.