Start to develop with Docker

How to run the instance for development

Set the variable SET_DOCKER_ENV for development

vi .env

Change to


Use dedicated docker-compose files while developing


In this example we are going to keep localhost as the target IP for GeoNode

docker-compose -f docker-compose.async.yml -f docker-compose.development.yml up

How to debug


We are supposing to use ipdb for debugging which is already available as package from the container

Stop the container for the django service:

docker-compose stop django

Run the container again with the option for service ports:

docker-compose run \
    -e DOCKER_ENV=development \
    -e IS_CELERY=False \
    -e DEBUG=True \
    -e GEONODE_LB_HOST_IP=localhost \
    -e GEONODE_LB_PORT=80 \
    -e SITEURL=http://localhost/ \
    -e ALLOWED_HOSTS="['localhost', ]" \
    -e GEOSERVER_PUBLIC_LOCATION=http://localhost/geoserver/ \
    -e GEOSERVER_WEB_UI_LOCATION=http://localhost/geoserver/ \
    --rm --service-ports django python runserver --settings=geonode.settings

Access the site on http://localhost/


If you set an ipdb debug point with import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace() then you should be facing its console and you can see the django server which is restarting at any change of your code from your local machine.