Viewing other users information

Once your account is created, you can view other accounts on the system.
To see information about other users on the system, click the People link of the About menu in Home page.

About menu - People link

You will see a list of users registered on the system.


List of the registered users

The Search tool is very useful in case of many registered users, type the name of the user you are looking for in the input text field to filter the users list.
Select a user and click on its username to access to the user details page.

User details

In this page the main information about the user are shown: personal information (organization) and the resources the user owns (datasets, maps, documents and other apps).

Through the User Activities link, in right side of the page, it is possible to visualize all the activities the user has been done.


User activities

The Message User link lets you to contact other users, see the next section to read more about that.

It is also possible, in GeoNode, to see the recent activities of all users through the Recent Activities link of the user menu.


Recent Activities link

In the picture below an example.


Recent Activities

As you can see, you can decide whether to see only the activities related to datasets or those related to maps or comments by switching the tabs.